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LEJI 9559’s review by Loy from YWOBB

LEJI 9559’s review by Loy from YWOBB

Loy Chen |

Hi, dear friends

I’m Loy from Your World of Building Blocks, thanks for your trust and support, these days many friends asked me about LEJI’s quality, as it isn’t a very famous brand and not published many sets before, so I use this Chinese holiday to build a LEJI 9559 A Wing by myself to check it’s performance, hope you like my review and know more about LEJI.

1. Package and Parts

The package looks pretty good quality, and it has a outside box to protect the original box. So the original box is well protected from factory.

It has a 2 inner box, A& B, box A has the bricks bags no 1 and 2, manual, Box B has the bricks bags no 3 and 4. The 2 stickers are packaged in bag no 1.


The bag no1~3 has 7 bricks bags in each, and bag no 4 has 6 bags. Here are the images for them. Each of them is numbered bags, but they need to be opened together to build each section. Such as if you build the 1st section, you need to open it’s 7 bags.

2. Building Process and feeling

As I build some brands sets from mould king, lepin, Qman ( enlighten ), etc. From my feeling, It’s bricks quality is better than king’s, Leji's models are SY's.  So although it's still not good as gobricks, but not bad. All building process is smoothly, the body by techinic parts are not hard to build. The tolerance between shafts and pins are good.

The bag no 2 is for the head and side parts, not difficult to build.

The bag no 3 and 4 are continuously, if you find the bricks not enough for the section, then pls open the bag no 4, you’ll see them. And there is a small issue in the step 410, factory supplied 2 bricks for this step, but the instructions only show 1pcs, if you didn’t build it, you’ll find it’s different to the image in step 411. It’ll be no place for step 411 to build bricks. It’s easy to fix it, just a remind.

After that, the other step is easy to build and no issue again.

After complete it, here are still some spare bricks left, in the whole building process, no missing or issued bricks.

Finially compete

3. Defect

1, this set no chrome bricks, so it may be looks a little bit different to the original one.

2, the instructions’ step didn’t circled the one need to be installed on the body, so sometimes the small one may be forgot.

4. Summary

Over all, this set in my view is pretty good quality, if original one is 100, I think this one can be about 90~95, except the chrome bricks, others are almost no difference. Very easy to build and bricks quality is good too, I’m not a expert, spend about 7 hours to complete it with my daughter 😊

Here are some images for it with my other models together, hope you like my review.

Here is the LEJI 9559's link in Your World of Building Blocks:

Best Regards

Your World of Building Blocks